Participation in the datathon (the ‘Event”) requires your agreement to the following Data Usage Agreement. Registration will not proceed unless you agree to the DUA.
The contents of the clinical databases to be made available at the datathon have been derived from the original data that contained protected health information. The data sets have been curated to remove sensitive public health data, so the remaining data is considered to be de-identifiable. Access will only be given under the terms and conditions described in this document.
1. The Event refers to the 2024 ANZICS Critical Care Datathon on the 9th of April 2024.
2. ‘Dataset’ refers to data used at the Event defined on the 2024 Critical Care Datathon webpage.
3. I have requested access to the dataset(s) for the sole purpose of research during the Event.
4. I will ensure that my access and use of the dataset(s) complies with all applicable laws.
5. I will not attempt to identify any individual or institution referenced in the dataset(s).
6. I will exercise all reasonable and prudent care to avoid disclosing the identity of any individual or institution referenced in the dataset(s) in any publication or other communication.
7. I will not share the datasets with anyone else other than approved participants at the Event.
8. I will only access the dataset(s) via the specific systems approved for use at the Event.
9. I will exercise all reasonable care to maintain the physical and electronic security of the dataset(s).
10. All intellectual property rights in the datasets remain owned by the relevant data custodian.
11. Any intellectual property rights in any results developed by me are owned by me, however I will only disseminate them in accordance with these terms.
12. I will not disseminate my results without the prior consent of the applicable data custodian(s) (where the 'applicable' data custodian is the custodian of the dataset(s) used to generate my results).
13. I acknowledge that access to the datasets is granted only for the period of the Event.
14. At the end of the Event, I will delete the datasets from my devices or accounts, unless permission has been specifically granted otherwise by the data custodian.
15. I acknowledge that if a data custodian grants me ongoing access to its datasets after the end of the Event, such access will be granted under a separate arrangement with the relevant data custodian.
16. I will comply with the relevant policies regarding data access, data use, publication procedures and research training as specified by each data custodian.
17. I understand that access granted to the datasets and platform can be suspended by the Organiser for any reason, at any time, without cause.